Assemblyman Vince Fong: Direct Air Capture is Good for Workers and the Environment

Today, the Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management awarded California organizations funding to study the feasibility of capturing carbon emissions from the atmosphere and safely transport and store them. Assemblyman Vince Fong (R-Central Valley) issued the following statement: 

“California’s Central Valley continues to lead the way in energy production and technological innovation.

“The ability to capture carbon out of the atmosphere is cutting-edge technology that will be developed in our community, and it will also keep skilled, well-paying jobs in California. These projects are critical endeavors that will help power the state and help the environment.

“As gas prices increase and energy demand soars, the solution is more domestic production from Californians for Californians, not imports from other countries.”

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Assemblyman Vince Fong represents the 32nd Assembly District, which encompasses Kern and Tulare Counties.