California Awaits the Governor’s Sense of Urgency on Preventing Catastrophic Wildfires

Last night, the Democrat-controlled Legislature passed the Governor’s $300 billion budget that lacks critical details to combat the peak wildfire season in the state’s extreme drought. Yet, this morning the Governor released a video from a devastated forest to tout his record. Vice Chair of the Assembly Budget Committee Vince Fong (R-Kern County) issued the following statement:

“In the state’s latest $300 billion budget framework, what is sorely lacking are details on how to fast track wildfire prevention efforts. Allowing months to pass is unacceptable when immediate action is needed now.

“If preventing wildfires were a priority, the Governor needs to focus less on photo ops and headlines, and more on streamlining vegetation management projects to remove dead and dying trees that fuel catastrophic wildfires. We must simplify the CEQA process, strengthen partnerships with local organizations and fire departments, and expand needed biomass energy production.

“Drought conditions are getting worse. Fires have burned nearly 17,000 acres this year. Californians cannot afford to wait to take action.”